Eva Muhindo Victim

Stories of Terror: As We Lived It

Welcome to the online Community Stories Exhibition “Stories of Terror: As We Lived It.” The stories captured in this collection seek to shed light on and amplify the voices of the victims of Terrorism in Uganda.

“Stories of Terror” is a collaborative effort from the Uganda Muslim Youth Development Forum (UMYDF) and Kofi Annan Foundation under the Bridges to Peace Project.

Our mission is to harness the transformative power of storytelling to shift minds, enhance vigilance against violent extremism, and accelerate public engagement in shaping lasting solutions to address conditions conducive to violent extremism and terrorism. This project is funded by the European Union.

Featured Story

This documentary video gives you an overview of other stories. These stories are political, religious, ethnic, among others. The videos feature different victims narrating their story.

Total Stories
Victims & Survivors of 2023 Lhubiriha School Attack, Kasese
Victims of 2010 Kampala Bombings
Survivor of 2010 Kampala Bombings

Explore More

We invite you to visit Stories of Terror: Returning to Peace, a collection of powerful narratives shared by individuals who have transitioned away from violent extremist groups in Uganda.

These compelling accounts, part of the Bridges to Peace project, shed light on strategies used by violent extremists to lure people into violence and the harsh reality of life in the bush. Our aim is to heighten community awareness of the risks of engaging in violent extremist and terrorist activities.


Viewer discretion is advised. The true stories captured on this website and associated videos are not intended for children or young adults.

The videos available on this website contain content that may be distressing for some viewers, including images and narratives related to the experiences of victims. They aim to foster understanding, but they may not be suitable for everyone due to their potentially disturbing nature. If you find the content challenging, we encourage you to prioritize your emotional well-being.

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